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Assessments - Know Your Strengths.
Contact Marketing U About Coaching Today.

“I feel I am giving birth to ‘the me' that has been incubating these long years of trial and error. You possess a rare combination of compassion and a capacity to heal the ‘chaotic' which affects so many gifted people and keeps them from exploring their own valuable contributions to the world. You're the mentor I never knew existed.” — Stay-at-home Mom and Soon-to-be Author


We all know people who jump out of bed every morning thrilled to be alive, eager to start their day, fulfilled by their personal and professional lives. They may be rich or poor, anonymous or famous—it doesn't matter.  What we envy is the “fullness” of their lives. Are they just lucky?

Personal coaching helps you listen to your heart and align your desires and dreams to a deliberate course of action.

With a personal coach you

  • create a road map for career/life transitions;
  • learn to trust your instincts;
  • take intelligent risks;
  • get on a financially independent track;
  • bring balance between work and home life;
  • make a home for your “dreams.”

Life is not a dress rehearsal. Your life is by design.

About our coaches
Harriett Simon Salinger, MSW, MCC
Debra Valle, MCC

Know your strengths
Debra Valle is certified in a variety of assessments designed to help you become more effective at what you do. learn more

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